
Friday, August 28, 2015

Rare Arctic Coat

I want to make clear that everything I say is based on my opinion and best judgement!

Today I will talk about rare arctic coats!

The rare arctic coat was a Monday rare for September of 2012! 

Even though it's not considered a valuable rare, it's still very pretty and elegant.

It is WORTH...
 -Not as valuable rares

It's worth basically anything below a rare fox hat.

This jammer offered rare gazelle horns, It's a pretty fair trade! Th rarities of both items are about the same :D

Have a super fun day in AJ, bye!

Friday, August 21, 2015

Arctic Wolf Plushies

I want to make clear that everything I say is based on my opinion and best judgement!
Today I will talk about ARCTIC WOLF PLUSHIES :D

Arctic wolf plushies came out early 2014 along with other new plushies! The arctic wolf plushies with accessories on them are more valuable.

Arctic wolf plushies are personally my favorite, they are just so cute! They are considered the most valuable claw machine plushie by many jammers!

They are WORTH...
-Two to four other plushies
-Not as valuable rare(most cases)

In my opinion, it's a pretty fair trade! They offered a rare that isn't too valuable, but it's enough for this plushie.

Have a super fun day in AJ!

Friday, August 14, 2015

Rare Claw Machine

I want to make clear that everything I say is based on my opinion and best judgement!
Today I want to talk about the rare claw machine!

The rare claw machine was given out as the second monthly member gift. It can be won in the Forgotten Desert Adventure.

It is considered a wanted rare den item in Animal Jam by multiple jammers.

It is WORTH...
-Rare Spike (more than two sometimes)
-A good amount of rare bow and arrows

The items they offered, in my opinion, are not fair. Many of those items can be won in Adventures. Sorry I declined.

This post was rushed so it will be updated soon

Have a super fun day in AJ!

Friday, August 7, 2015

Beta Party *WARNING*

Hello Jammers!

I just want to let you all know that the items available for purchase at the Beta Party are NOT BETAS!

If you see anyone trying to scam you or anyone else with these items, please report!

There has already been scamming going on because of these fake betas and I don't want that happening to any of you or any other jammer. I repeat! They are NOT BETAS!

Have fun in AJ and stay safe!

Nature Archways

I want to make clear that everything I say is based on my opinion and best judgement!

Today I will talk about the nature archways!

Nature archways were a member gift for July of 2012. I got the archway with vines wrapped around the rocks as my member gift and later got the others by trading.

They are a pretty wanted den item in Jamma, they are just very pretty and would look good in any den.

They are WORTH...
-Rare Bow and Arrow
-Rare Fox Hat

I love the rares they added, but I consider those not as valuable rares so it isn't a very fair trade. The beta they added doesn't make up for the archway in my opinion. Overall, not too bad.

The item that doesn't show you is a television like the one in the upper offer. I don't think it's fair in my opinion. I don't think any of the den items this jammer offered are available for purchase. If you really wanted these den items then you can accept.

The Greely's Passage item can be won in Greely's Inferno adventure in hard mode. Very unfair trade, anyone can get this item.

Have a super fun day in AJ!