I want to make clear that everything I say is based on my opinion and best judgement!
Today I wanted to talk about the rare stone chair.
The rare stone chair was sold at the Leap Year Party of 2012.
This rare den item is wanted by some jammers, but only a few make a fair offer.
It is WORTH...
-Rare fox hat(not many jammers will offer this)
-Three to four not as valuable rares

This trade is completely unfair. You have no idea how many jammers come up to me and tell me that diamond spikes are worth the same as rare ones. I'm sorry to break it down to anybody who thinks this, but they aren't worth like anything at all.
I don't understand why people offer items that are still available in stores. Not a fair trade at all sorry, if you really like diamond stuff then this could be a fair trade for you,but I don't recommend it.
Like I said above, why are jammers offering items that can easily be gotten at stores and at the summer carnival. If the summer carnival was gone then this trade wouldn't be too bad. Overall, adding more could be fair :D
Like I said above again, why are jammers offering items that I can easily buy from the diamond shop and the clothing store in Jamma township. I can't see what the third item is so I can't say for sure if this was a completely unfair offer.
I do understand that there is little kids playing this game and some don't know what items are worth, but I'm very positive that the majority of jammers that play AJ are older kids.
Be safe in Jamma and always trade fair :D