
Monday, January 7, 2013

Rare Gazelle Horns

I want to make clear that everything I say is based on my opinion and best judgement!
Today I want to talk about the rare gazelle horns :D
Rare gazelle horns were a Monday rare in the year of 2012. 
Non-Rare gazelle horns are betas, but not the rare version.

Many jammers are still very interested in these horns. Considering none to a bit of jammers only have them available for trade. I'm not 100% sure what they are wort, but I know what they aren't worth.

They are NOT WORTH...
-Rare Bow and Arrow(Just a tiny overpay)
Some rare furniture items(underpay)

If someone really wants them, they will offer almost anything

A jammer offered me their non-member sword. This is an over-payed offer because they are offering a beta item. I guess this jammer really wanted them.

Be safe in JAMAA!