I want to make clear that everything I say is based on my opinion and best judgement!
Today I want to talk about the rare skinny lamp :D
The rare skinny lamp first came out in the Leap Year Party of 2012. After the party ended, the "RARE" label was added to all the items that were available at that party.
It is a fairly wanted den item by some jammers.
It is WORTH...
-Three to four not as valuable rares

I would like to enter:). Nice blog! You should add fox hats. Also non rare skinny lamps i heard were worth more. I am Dinosam2010 and I am a member.
ReplyDeleteI do! and My user is Hammylove
ReplyDeleteHi my username is trickythetrickster and i would like to enter the give away
ReplyDeleteHi, I'm Blaze2643 and I was wondering if I could join your give away?
ReplyDeleteme too i am bowandarrows44
ReplyDeleteI would like to enter the giveaway and my username is merliah123
ReplyDeleteI remember when those were in stores.. I became a member right after they had left stores and became betas, always seems to happen that way..
ReplyDeletei just got a rare skinny lamp i'm Severussnape99 yay
ReplyDeleteI want to join the giveaway my username is huskylover4900 im a member
ReplyDeleteHello I am cath5867 I would like to join givaaway
ReplyDeleteI remember when the skinny lamps were in stores, good times :)
ReplyDeleteAnd also when i was trading i saw my rare skinny lamp... can anyone tell me when they were in stores cus i had the lamp little bit after july 2013 when there was that christmas party.
were non rare skinny lamps still around? or are they removed? if not, please trade me a non rare skinny lamp, my user is snowypride12
ReplyDeleteMy bff has a rrae lamp and im persuading her to accept my trades XD i rlly want it :DDD
ReplyDeletei have good things on trade im chica670 if u wanna trade jag me :3
ReplyDelete( i have a skinny lamp )