
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Golden Phantoms

I want to make clear that everything I say is based on my opinion and best judgement!
Today, I want to talk about the golden phantoms

The golden phantoms were given as a August 2012 member gift.
They can be won in the Forgotten Desert Adventure.

They've lost popularity over the years, but they're still a cool item for phantom fans.

It's very hard for me to put a value on these golden phantoms cause everyone has a different opinion, but I can tell you what they aren't worth.

They are NOT WORTH...
-Rare Spikes of any kind (you would be overpaying)
-Plushies (You would be underpaying)
-Betas (Overpaying)

If someone offers items like this for your golden phantom thats fine,but don't go asking people to trade you a spike for it unless they want to.

A jammer offered me a worn and a cool rare for my golden phantom. I feel like this trade is fair maybe a little bit too fair.

Have an awesome day in AJ!


  1. I traded mine for a blue mat :)

  2. Seriously? A RARE SPIKE for a PLUSHIE!!! wow dude you go to great hights...

  3. lol cute plushies e3e

  4. So even though i got a green short wrist for the smallest gold phantom was that an over trade for them or for me idk but trade me i now have a rare claw lawl anyway my username it tigerlover1333

  5. AnonikatGaming: Well some rude jammer told me it was worth a necklace.

  6. Really helpful, Thanks :) Nice blog btw!

  7. is a angry golden phantom worth a headdress and add

  8. An Angry Phantom (golden) is worth a Black long cololar/rare headdress (purple & white) and add like a short collar :D
