
Friday, July 24, 2015

Non-Rare Worn Blankets

I want to make clear that everything I say is based on my opinion and best judgement!
Today I want to talk about the Non-Rare Worn Blankets!

Non-Rare Worn Blankets were released around 2010, a month after the AJ Beta Era had come to an end so they are not betas. I believe they can be won in The Forgotten Desert Adventure, Sky High the arcade game and other adventures.

Non-Rare Worn Blankets are considered an item that many Jammers really want. Jammers would trade spikes for them, but their value went down.

This item is WORTH...
- Rare Fox Hat
-Rare Bow and Arrows
-Other Betas
-Freedom Wings
-Freedom Helmet

I thought this was a fair trade! I accept it.

These two items in my opinion are worthless, I declined.

The rare item they offered me is cool, but it does not have the same value as the non-rare worn blanket.


1 comment:

  1. I have a question: How many rare item monday items is a worn worth?
